4 definitions by boomz.the.saiyan

It is a short and quick way to say no or f*ck off.
Person 1:’Did you get in with her bro’.
Person 2:’Jak’.
by boomz.the.saiyan March 10, 2020
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A person that bullies and confronts other people in a disrespectful manner to assert dominance over an area.
Person 1:’Farr that guy goes gym everyday’.
Person 2:’Yeah he’s been staunching people since’.
by boomz.the.saiyan March 11, 2020
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When an event or location which was highly anticipated to be good ends up being dry or boring.
Person 1: ‘Damn we really travelled an hour and half for this party’.
Person 2: ‘Yeah days dead’.
by boomz.the.saiyan March 10, 2020
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When you say something that doesn't make sense or something stupid. When someone says a neck you swipe there neck as hard as possible. To not get necked you must say no neck.
Your watching the World Cup and the guy sitting next to you says when will Barclona and Argentina verse that's a neck.
by boomz.the.saiyan June 3, 2015
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