24 definitions by bob beeflips

A method of using a random but memorable three word combination to quickly remember multiple passwords.
Paul: I once spilled a Slushy on a friend named Beth at a U2 concert, so now my fastword for my bank is u2bethslushy, my facebook is u2slushybeth and iTunes is slushybethU2.
Ringo: Genius!
by bob beeflips June 29, 2011
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An irony-proof phrase uttered by Abed on Community, denoting that something is so cool, it's "Who's the Boss" cool.
Prof. Sheffield: I have a wonderful idea. Why don't you teach the next class on "Who's the Boss" so that you can share your open mind with everyone in class.
Abed: Cool. Cool-cool-cool.
by bob beeflips April 19, 2011
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pro. pa-TEET-za. A small piece of pizza.
Mac: Who'd like a slice?
Mom: Not much for me - just a petitza.
by bob beeflips August 26, 2009
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1) From the film "The Social Network," meaning one does not sully one's esteemed status by stooping to the level of the hoi polloi.

2) Ironic/polite way of saying, "This is beneath me."
Example 1:
Tracy: Beef Jerky?
Tina: Not for a Gentleman of Harvard.
Example 2:

Tracy: Should we sue a squirrely little geek who stole our idea and is worth 25 billion?
Tina: Not for a Gentleman of Harvard.
by bob beeflips October 23, 2010
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Unintentional wisdom found in the subject line of Spam.
Spam: True manhood is renewable at any age √ make sure yourself.
Bob: I think what that means is that I can decide each day to recreate myself as a real man.
Beeflips: Ah, I see you've been drinking from the deep well of spamdom.
by bob beeflips June 6, 2009
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noun, always capitalized.
fodder for writing or gossip, as in when someone does something so stupid/upsetting/wonderful, you can't wait to write/blog/twitter about it.
Pia: I can't believe your boyfriend dumped you for your best friend! What are you going to do?
Zadora: Turn him into Material.


Roberto: Did you see that? I can't believe he stood up on the chair and made a spectacle of himself in front of a live television audience!
Benigni: Material.
by bob beeflips August 24, 2009
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Standing at a dance; see, junior high dances where one intends not to dance, but stand around talking to friends over obnoxious music.
Lindsey: Shelby, are you going to the 9th grade dance tonight?
Shelby: No, I don't feel like moving. My friends and I are going to the 9th grade stance tonight.
by bob beeflips June 17, 2009
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