16 definitions by biggs33

One who expresses a fear of mentally retarded or mongoloid people, particularly in respect to the legend that when enraged they possess the strength of ten normal men.
A: Dude, don't be such a mongophobe, just ask him to give back your sandwich.
B: No way, if I piss him off he will tear me apart with his freakish strength!
by biggs33 May 23, 2007
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Making a false statement with deliberate intent to deceive, but based on a theory that may actually be true. From Arrested Development, Season 5, Episode 7 ("Rom-Traum").
George-Michael Bluth: I think you were right. They were together in Mexico, and that's why my dad has been weird with me.

Maebynke: Wow, I was just specu-lying.
George-Michael Bluth: Well, you nailed it, Buttons.
by biggs33 June 1, 2018
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Used when one wants to end an annoying conversation, where it is obvious the other person is wrong, but either one is unable to convince the person, or the matter is so trivial one can't be bothered to continue. This lets the person know the conversation is over, but they have not won.
A: Lady Gaga actually has a lot of musical talent, underneath all those ridiculous costumes and stage shenanigans.
B: Agree to disbelieve. Now shut up.
by biggs33 February 28, 2011
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(noun) One who studies ancient cocktail recipes and searches for lost libations. A combination of alcohol & archaeologist.
An alcoholic will order a Mai Tai and keep drinking them for two hours. An alchaeologist will order a Mai Tai and argue for two hours whether Trader Vic or Don the Beachcomber invented it, which version is better, and which secret ingredients belong in it.
by biggs33 May 12, 2009
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Some catch, trick, or error that is hidden in the details, often easily missed.
A: Man, this whiskey is smooth!
B: Dude, it's only 80 proof, you're drinking a liqueur not liquor. Remember, the devil is in the details.
by biggs33 October 5, 2010
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(noun) The annoying effeminate giggle, titter or laugh occasionally produced my male homosexuals. This obnoxious noise is known to be especially painful to the ears of heterosexual males, but also is unpleasant to other homosexuals as it indicates someone trying to attract unnecessary attention to themselves. It is believed to have originated in humans as both a mating call for homosexuals, and a warning noise for heterosexuals.

Note that use of this term is not meant to be automatically disparaging against homosexuals, but rather against the terrible noise that merely happens to be made only by homosexuals, and then only by some individuals.
Guy 1: "Tee hee hee!"
Guy 2: "Dude, I don't care that you're gay, but knock off the gayggle, it's scaring away the ladies."
by biggs33 September 22, 2009
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One who admires or derives pleasure from (sexually or otherwise) mentally retarded or mongoloid people, particularly in respect to the legend that when enraged they possess the strength of ten normal men.
A: Dude, why are you running with a bunch of retards, you some kind of mongophile?
B: Hey, I just need a little extra protection, and don't want them knowing what's going down.
by biggs33 May 23, 2007
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