274 definitions by ashley

Kind of like having bedhead but fuckhead occurs after having mad sex.
"I can't answer the door, I have fuckhead!"
by ashley April 26, 2005
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1.Usually meaning "why the hell are we still on the phone?" and no I'm really not calling you back you just think I am.

2.You've been on the phone too long talking about nothing.
1."Man, I got to go do the dishes. I'll call you back."

2. "My moms calling me (not really I just want to get off the phone) I got to go before she start actin' crazy, I'll call you back"
by ashley February 11, 2004
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70's porno backgroud music
When lusting in the heat of the moment an alarming "Bow-Chicka-Bow-wow" will appear out of the blue..do not be alarmed it helps to "enlighten" the mood...can ya dig it?
by ashley October 15, 2003
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Sexual intercourse, fucking, sex, penetration of a penis into a vagina.
1. We did the hibity jibity all night long!!!!

2. That girl knows her hibity jibity
by ashley March 10, 2004
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If you have to look it up you probably are ugly.
If you aren't sure what ugly is and you are reading this right now you most likely are ugly. Why else would you have typed ugly in the search engine?
by ashley February 22, 2005
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What it is called when you are still excessively proud of a past accomplishment.
"I won the school spelling bee in 5th grade."

"cough *old gloris* cough."
by ashley December 7, 2003
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Being in so much trouble, it is almost immpossiable to get out of.
You slept with his brother!? Dude, you're soo knee deep!
by ashley November 1, 2003
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