10 definitions by anna apple

used to describe a bad or potentially disastorous situation or condition.
"Can't believe they're knocking the Brig down to make flats.."
"Ken, it's risk like."

"Awww naah, nae mair Buckfast for me, I'm feelin a bit risk."
by anna apple October 12, 2003
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totally, really, very - signifies an excess of something
"Aye, she looked main upset. Thought she wiz gonna start greeting or something"

"Aw, I've got the main munchies - lets go to the cafe bar and get some fat munch."

"HE was main goin' on about you all night. He totally want to get in by!"
by anna apple October 12, 2003
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amazing, mental, very good indeed. Used to describe objects or experiences rather than people. The addition of boy at the end can be used to add extra emphasis.
"Shall we go up the park and drink some Buckfast?
"Oh aye, its a potent day for it. Lets go"
"I scored some weed last night so take your pipe as well."
"Potent boy!"
by anna apple October 12, 2003
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good, great, enjoyable (see also humpy-bosk)
How wiz the Eagle last night? Good craic?
Aye, it was bosk like. Fuckin' jumpin'.
by anna apple October 12, 2003
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Originated as a term used to describe pulling a wheely on ones bicycle but has since evolved into a commonly heard piece of street banter.
On seeing your friend on the other side of the street, or perhaps whilst passing in a car with the window rolled down as a friendly rousing gesture shout "Uuuuuuuuup bys!" with raising pitch on the 'up' and even higher pitch for the secondary 'bys'.

by anna apple October 12, 2003
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"Aye, you were fair bawling and greeting like a wee bairn"

"Aww, I wiz almost greetin when Lassie died."
by anna apple October 12, 2003
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"Aye when you were just a wee bairn I used to mind you when your mam went tae the bingo."

"I cannae believe shes pregnant - at 15 she's just a bairn herself"
by anna apple October 12, 2003
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