16 definitions by ak4mc

The condition of being unable to control spending, often extending even to the point of printing more money just to spend it.
"How did we get more than $16 trillion in debt? Could it be because of the federal government's dollarrhea?"
by ak4mc February 19, 2013
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"Just fucking wow." An expression of disbelief over something truly amazing, astounding, or mind-bogglingly stupid.
"Did you see how much taxpayer money the Obamas are spending on their Martha's Vineyard -- while even the rich gomers that live there are hurting in this economy? JFW."
by ak4mc August 26, 2011
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Someone who insists on referring to Tea Party activists as "teabaggers" because of the word's pre-existing sexual connotation. Derives from some TP sympathizers' response of inviting such persons to suck their 'nads.
You're never going to convince that guy to stop calling you a teabagger because he's a habitual nadsucker hoping to score.
by ak4mc November 10, 2010
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Back in the early 1960s the Giants left the Big Apple for the Big Fruit Salad, and they haven't been the same since.
by ak4mc October 25, 2010
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1. Mismanagement that is clearly deliberate and malicious.

2. Innocently incompetent mismanagement that has such detrimental consequences that it could not be worse if it were deliberate and malicious.

3. (proper) A specific administration that meets either of the above definitions.
We still have two and a half more years of the Obama Maladministration ahead of us, but fortunately I can see 2012 from my house.
by ak4mc July 5, 2010
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Being a parent. (Children optional.) (I mean, seriously, if it were about children the term would mention children.) (But it's "parenting," which means it's all about me, the parent, and the child, if any, is merely an accessory, like my handbag or my iPhone.) (Only more expensive.)
My mother and father all but killed themselves raising my brothers and sisters and me. I'm so glad my generation invented parenting instead.
by ak4mc January 31, 2011
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A member of the Establishment wing of the Republican Party -- fiscally irresponsible and unsympathetic to the views of grass-roots Republicans, but not an aisle-jumping RINO like Jim Jeffords or Arlen Specter.
It's no wonder John McCain lost in 2008, he pretends to be a maverick but he's really just another Establican.
by ak4mc October 25, 2010
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