16 definitions by aLiSsa

Something a person shows when they are jealous.
Am I sensing a little jealousity?
by aLiSsa August 21, 2003
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Definition: The portion of your brain that enables you to control emotions.

background: In the front of your temporal lobe, an almond shaped mass of grey matter.
man, that chick needs to get her amygdala fixed, she totally tweaked at me when she found me in bed with her sister.
by aLiSsa September 8, 2004
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The phrase 'hamhobbles in a knobbywocket' is British, and it's mainly said in an INCREDIBLY high-pitched crappy British accent. It's usually said like the phrase 'don't get your panties in a bunch', except British-ized. It could mean anything.
a) Argh, i'm in a scuzz, cheerio mate!
Righto, don't get your hamhobbles in a knobbywocket.

b)Hey, what's up?

c) I'm pregnant.
Well, hamhobble my fucking knobbywockets!
by aLiSsa January 1, 2005
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Another word for scrumping, hunching, boinking, or sexing.
When we're alone, we enjoy scrunching.
by aLiSsa August 21, 2003
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He was hot so we hunched.
by aLiSsa August 21, 2003
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When I seen her face Saturday, I about harfed.
by aLiSsa August 21, 2003
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1. The Japanese word referring to animation in general.

2. What foreigners (Usually those from the US) call Japanese animation. Many people become over-obsessive of it, but they are NOT all 35-year old men with no life or friends. (I am a girl with possibly no life, but I have friends) (They always run out of 90% off lives at the department store) Anime is usually based on manga, but sometimes it is original. Sometimes, the animators alter the storyline so the story of the anime is different from the story of the manga. Anime is both the singular and plural form of the word. Many people dub it, usually changing the story to make it more for kids, but some keep it the way it is, especially on anime DVDs.
1. Both Pita-Ten and The Simpsons are anime.

2. My favorite anime at the moment is DNAngel.

3. (plural form) I like many types of anime.
by aLiSsa March 4, 2005
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