6 definitions by a famous austrian painter

uh... we'll save this one for later.
tes tickles: hey, i heard some guy talking about a famous austrian painter. do you know who he is?
mike hawk: hitler.

tes tickles: dang. we should build a statue for whoever killed him!
mike hawk: dude.
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the absolute epitome of "i bought my first car".
Joe: i just bought my first car!
Mike: what is it?
Joe: vapid dominator
Mike: called it.
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the bottle a 7th grader normally carries around in his un-fashionable fanny pack.
kid: dude, whats in there?
fanny man: gatorade bottle.
by a famous austrian painter October 14, 2021
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spencers birthday
yay woohoo berfday\
spencer: march 26!!!!!!!
some random mf: what?
spencer: its my birthday numbnuts
some random mf: ok
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