11 definitions by ZeD

Wankstar is a street name for a wannabe
Pimp/Gangstar and is that name of a film company "wankstarfilms".
by ZeD October 23, 2003
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crappy, girly, whiney, try to be punk music
blink 182, good charlotte, simple plan, and new found glory
by ZeD July 17, 2005
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the same as hardcore, but for pussies wont admit that atreyu is hardcore
by ZeD March 8, 2005
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1. A mythical creature thought to live in forested, montainous regions away from human civilaztion and is frequently used as a scapegoat for people who mysteriously disappear while on dangerous expeditions.

2. A skier who has never skied before, but thinks that they are better than everyone else. Yetis are usually found tucking down double-black diamond hills and hitting jumps at full speed.
1. Naaa... that guy couldn't have run out of supplies or froze, he must have been kidnapped by a yeti!

2. {Coach with kids on a chairlift} Hey kids! Let's string our poles together and go fishing for yetis!
by ZeD March 3, 2005
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Someone who goes to school and learns everything by heart without trying to understand. Usually drops out fairly quickly and gets a lucrative job at the closest fast food flipping burgers on night shifts.
Remember that school monkey from 1st year? I saw her last night working at mcdonalds
by ZeD December 6, 2003
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1. Transcending Bitch,a person who strives to be mean and is irritated by small things.
God, I thought my mom was bad, but your is a real bitchmonster...
by ZeD August 22, 2003
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The time that comes during one's lifetime where God questions your worth; the moment which you must prove your reason for existing.
On D-Day, 1941
Sargeant: "Okay, troops! Here's the moment of truth!"
The soldiers had to prove their existance to God, in this case win the storming of Normandy.
by ZeD December 20, 2003
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