142 definitions by Zach G.

The burger of dreams. OR heart attacks, whichever comes first.
I got a big mac and now I'm in heaven! literaly!
by Zach G. January 15, 2004
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Hey, It's Ghost (From WM), I've got A huge account here, and I'd just like to say Sunny The Armadillo is overrated.
He'll never find me here!
by Zach G. January 15, 2004
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1. A trendy tote bag
2. Knows that its a healthy piece of real estate
3. A blue midget homestar
Stave it off, 1-2-3, and now you can count to three.
by Zach G. August 15, 2004
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The only person I know who can get Strong Bad to chew his own leg off. Actually, Strong Bad Leg is quite tasty with some salt...
by Zach G. November 6, 2003
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Reality: A frozen, fruit flavored treat.
UrbanDictionary.com definition: Penis.
I'm no popsickle licker. And thats no gay uphamism... Or is it? No, its not.

Sick freak.
by Zach G. November 16, 2003
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A fitness "Celebrity" famous for shilling exercise machines by showing his RICDICULOUSLY chiseled abs that he got before the product was even thought of.
What the hell is John Basedow famous for?!?
by Zach G. August 16, 2004
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