5 definitions by Your mom’s government name

Deez butts is a word that describes two butts that are physically unable to be pulled apart.
Her deez butts were two hard bruh, those cheeks were so clinched I had to use my gorilla grippers to depart them
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A group if people that slurp you so good that they are professionals. This can be anywhere, anytime, any place.
I met up with some slurpers yeasterday, ive never felt so good in my life
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A word to describe something (a person place thing animal object or a verb) that has turned rainbow and shiny
Yo bro, i just got slapped so hard i went rainbowy, booyah
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aids. (But kinda worse)

Contracted by eating moldy rice crispy treats.
Symptoms are: Pain areas: in the abdomen
Pain circumstances: can occur while swallowing
Cough: can be dry
Whole body: fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, malaise, night sweats, or sweating
Gastrointestinal: nausea, persistent diarrhea, vomiting, or watery diarrhea
Mouth: ulcers or white tongue
Groin: sores or swelling, may explode
Throat: difficulty swallowing or soreness, difficulty-unable to speak
Also common: opportunistic infection, headache, oral thrush, pneumonia, red blotches, severe unintentional weight loss, skin rash, or swollen lymph nodes. May cause cancer or death.

Pharmediua Falicus IS contagious through coughing, sneezing, sharing food, etc.
Pharmediua Falicus is untreatable
Bro my mom gave me an old rice crispy treat for desert and now I have Pharmediua Falicus!
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