When a gentleman dips his skin flute into a jar of Fluff, followed by a box of Rice Crispies and then into his partner.
Things got real sticky last night when I gave Tiffany my Rice Crispy Treat.
by The Real Chas February 18, 2017
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When a saucy gentleman projects his ejaculate into the hair of an unsuspecting female. Tada! The hair sticks together, and a good time is had by all.
It's hard to return a wig after receiving a Rice Crispy Treat.
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A blunt made of weed and clove cigarettes. The mix will make it "Snap, crackle, and pop"
Yo man lets gets some rice crispy treats and fly.
by Marc-Andre February 14, 2008
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A clone of rice with sticky residue all over it.

"Hey what are you hooked on?"
"Rice Crispie Treats"
by AVietnamese August 6, 2009
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This phrase is mainly used when your in public and you either mess up or really mad and you don't want to say a long slur of swears.
"Snap, crackle, pop rice crispie treats"! I ripped my nail!
by A.B.C.D. August 18, 2012
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