7 definitions by Yam derf

When you are riding in an uber with friends upon arrival at your destination and you have another Uber waiting for you. Subsequently leaving all your friends.
Hey McCollum just pulled a Uber007!
by Yam derf October 12, 2018
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When you sit at the bar to long and it hurts to stand up
You ready to go to the next bar? Yeah let's go! I can barely walk I got a barstool cramp from sitting here for 4 hours watching the game
by Yam derf October 12, 2018
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When you drop a douce so big the water rises in the toilet bowl and touches your nuts.
I took a shit this morning so big from the Mexican food last night that the water in the toilet bowl touched my balls. Now I got waterNuts!
by Yam derf October 13, 2018
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When a guy is prescribed Viagra or Cialis when you first meet and then goes off of it
I wake up! Omg! What is that? Did I just get CatDicked
by Yam derf November 1, 2018
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After the course of the night filled with drugs and alcohol. You experience ED when it counts. Rather then quit and leave your woman unsatisfied. You finish the job with your fingers.
OMG! How could this happen? Time for the pump fake plow
by Yam derf October 12, 2018
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After meeting a chick on the first night, you bring her back to your bedroom, she asks if you have protection, you show her the condom and it disappears back into your pocket. You proceed with out.
Fred is a little worried about last night he used the Phantom wrap
by Yam derf October 12, 2018
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