14 definitions by Xtine Max

Coffee. Coffee makes you happy, like prozac.
I'm so tired, lets get us some liquid prozac.
by Xtine Max January 2, 2004
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Anal sex. Which is basically inserting the hotdog between the buns, and very much like making an actual hotdog.
Homos make hotdogs. They enjoy it too. Very very much. Ooooh yeah.
by Xtine Max January 2, 2004
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Holy shit! Look at that caterpillar! It's fucking HUGE!
by Xtine Max January 2, 2004
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Another way to beat around the word sex.
Hey baby lets extreme cuddle.
by Xtine Max January 2, 2004
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Rich idiots that wear abercrombie while drinking starbucks with one professionally manicured hand, and holding a prada bag with the other tiffany bracelet adorned hand.
by Xtine Max January 2, 2004
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