6 definitions by XtRaVa

Weapon that is extremely easy to pwn with, or is ridiculously lame to use because it probably fires nuclear missiles at the opponent.
Counter Strike: "That fucking awp whore should put that noob cannon down and then try getting kills."

Call Of Duty: "Err lol how about you don't use a gun which has a million bullets with little to no recoil?!" - referring to the PPSH.

Etc etc.
by XtRaVa October 11, 2005
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That biznitch missed the shitter hole and left his shit-rag on the floor!
by XtRaVa November 24, 2003
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I gotz me sum mantissa wit tat biznitch fa sho.
by XtRaVa November 24, 2003
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Having an erection, usually the one in the morning after waking up.
(On a camping holiday after waking up in your sleeping bag next to your girlfriend)

You) Tents up
Bitch) Well no shit
You) No I mean I got a big fat boner, now fucking suck it
by XtRaVa November 24, 2003
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That biznitch is the biggest hoe, slut, slag, slapper, and tramp I've ever fucked from behind
by XtRaVa November 24, 2003
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