20 definitions by Winnie The Shit

Native to the maritime provinces of Canada, this helicopter is known frig up in every way possible
The sea king fell from the sky like a rock
by Winnie The Shit November 14, 2003
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Awsome movie of 1989, starring Kevin Bacon, inwhich large worms (graboids) terrorize a small desert town.
by Winnie The Shit November 29, 2003
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glade plug-ins have been known to cause house fires
by Winnie The Shit November 14, 2003
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"The Animals Of Farthing Wood"
An animated BBC television series of the early to mid 90's which follows a band of animals as they make the long and dangerous journey from their doomed woodland home, Farthing Wood, to the safety of White Deer Park, a nature sanctuary where they run into more problems with the local residents.

Appealing to young and young-at-heart, this epic tale will drag the Watership Down fans out of the woodwork. A good watch
Recommended for anybody with taste in an animated series
by Winnie The Shit November 14, 2003
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What the hell have I got here? - A tree with two bamboons swingin' out of it?
by Winnie The Shit November 9, 2003
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