7 definitions by Why do i even exist

short for the dark lord. used by AvA fandom. also the enemies of tsc and tco
tdl is ok i guess
by Why do i even exist October 14, 2023
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Goats. The animal. Screaming demons who do bothing but eat and shit. And sleep
by Why do i even exist September 30, 2023
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Black stick figure from AvA(animation vs animator)

Also written as TCO
Random: hey have you watched AvA?
Random2: ye i lik the character The Chosen One
Random: bro just say TCO
by Why do i even exist September 8, 2023
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Joke from AvM fandom. Beck=river so basically Alan Becker
A: hy do u watch alan riverer?
B:u mean alan becker???
by Why do i even exist September 10, 2023
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Most nostalgic series. Made by tomska

Its still going somehow. Rrly funny
A: i like adsf movie
by Why do i even exist September 10, 2023
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