295 definitions by WIll

(n.) home of amazing techno artist, Darude; home of many blonde haired and blue eyed people; the best country ever; the country that's nationality is 50% of me
by WIll July 21, 2004
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A suave man with a pension for evil.
Joseph is very chrono84t like.
by WIll April 27, 2003
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Bring Yourown Booze. When throwing a party, say the party is "BYB" and you will attract hardcore drinkers...
Mike: "Dude, you hear that Jim is throwing a party, its BYB."

John: "Looks like another typical night that I'll be wasted..."
by WIll January 7, 2005
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Invented in East & South London and means to sit down, or to rest.
Lets cotch here on this bench blud.
by WIll March 24, 2005
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Nasty Nas, one of the most popular rappers of all time, and if not the best. The best lyricist, street poet, beats and erthin. Jay-Z and Nas used to get down back in the days of Illmatic. But then Jay-Z became all celebritized and did that Snake shit.

Whether it be Illmatic, It was Written, I am, Nastraduamus, Stillmatic, The Lost Tapes, Or Gods Son, Nas has it all.
jesus died at age 33, thats 32 shots from twin glocks at 16 a peice thats 32 which means, 1 of my guns was holdin 17, 27 hit yo crew, 6 went into you.
by WIll January 18, 2004
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From a mixture of the 'rave' scene of techno music, along with the 'hip-hop' scene, it is a style of music which tends to be hip-hop beats with techno overlays.
That girl bumps her thang like this is some sorta electric boogalo mix. What she think she doin'?
by WIll April 9, 2004
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One of the most common words in screen and chat names. right up there with roxy, hunni, sexy, and "lil"
HEY! xXLiL SuGa HuNnIXx just signed on!
by WIll April 21, 2004
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