36 definitions by Vincent

A clever saying used by Oklahomans to show their envy.
I attend the University of Texas-Norman. Tuck fexas!
by Vincent December 18, 2003
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its an old word meaning "do you understand?", used by Italian mobsters.
And whoever thinks its an old school gangsta term is fucking retarded.

Ok Salvatore, I want Jimmy wacked. Leave him in a dumpster, so the garbagemen have a little surprise, capishe?
by Vincent February 18, 2004
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When you are driving down the road, and you have your lady friend sitting next to you and you grab her breasts...yay!!
by Vincent September 22, 2004
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Big, huge, ginormous, large, massive in size, SO BIG IT IS UGLY
original cellphones were gargantuos
by Vincent March 18, 2004
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Type of excitement that arouses the male genetalia so much that it may become painful.
Jade: "I took off all of my clothes, and he went jubious on me."
Raheem: "Did he cry?"
by Vincent April 29, 2004
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As defined by the name, someone who fucks in the anus rectum, strictly homosexual. aka jesse B.
I heard that bitch ass punk jesse B. is also an ass jockey. What a fuckstick.
by Vincent June 27, 2004
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The largest city in Maryland which is home to:
1.) An overrated aquarium that makes you pay through the nose and stand on a five mile line to get in the door
2.)A shitty baseball team that is run by a lousy owner who fires every decent manager he's ever had
3.)An East-Side that makes post nuclear-bombed Nagasaki look like heaven on earth
4.) Overpriced Parking garages
5.) A scary anime convention held every summer in which thousand of costume wearing anime fans make it look like Dawn Of The Dead has hit baltimore
6.)Dundalk...need I say more?
7.) Highlandtown....ditto
8.)The country's highest murder rate
9.) More gang wars than Chicago or NYC combined
10.) Sisqo (God help us)
Baltimore: Harm City
by Vincent October 28, 2004
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