12 definitions by Valleymd

The art of watching a TV show and using your digital set-top box guide feature to see what else is on TV.
I quit channel surfing when I got a digital cable box and started guide surfing.
by Valleymd April 16, 2010
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A four mile stretch of State Route 40 between Pataskala and Kikersville, Ohio. When the snow in the median melts then re-freezes at night, it becomes a 4 mile long skating rink on the Eastbound lanes.
Dude, I hit the Black Ice Beast at 60MPH after that re-freeze and spun so far I had to change my pants...twice!
by Valleymd February 2, 2009
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When a man gets veneer teeth, hair extensions, tans, waxing, and gear all in an effort to look like a model. In the end he looks like an inbred queer, who no one likes because he sold himself out to fashion.
Rob Dyrdek's cousin Chris "Drama" Pfaff is a Man Dime.
by Valleymd April 13, 2011
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The time of day, generally after lunch,when you get sleepy at work. The only solution is, hit the vending machine for a caffeinated drink.
Mike: After lunch I get so tired, I swear I'm going to fall asleep.

Chris: Just do what I do, grab a pop or an energy drink... It's Dew Thirty, bro.
by Valleymd December 17, 2011
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The one month period before the NFL season starts, when the Brett Favre retirement saga becomes the top story on every sports radio and TV show in the country.
Favre: Hmmm... I want a month named after me.

Madden: Well, Brett, uh... Maybe you should just start texting your teammates in August and say you are quitting, but then all you have to do is change your mind when training camp ends, and go play football BOOOM! Tough actin' Tinactin.

Favre: John, that's a great idea, I will be the top story on SportsCenter for a month, we'll call it Favrember.
by Valleymd August 4, 2010
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