5 definitions by UrDadIsGay:)

Big fukin Cheetr go boom boom in mouth with flavorful iuh oh blueberry banana horn blank moterbike doriti UrDad mom uh oh big poopy change diper pwease crinckle
Rando old guy: Ayo look at that there Cheeetr

Yo mamma: dam

Ypu: wtf

The cheetr: "Gurgle gurgle splash frolic big cheetr noise" :)
by UrDadIsGay:) November 18, 2021
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So... take yourself a twink, but VERY twink, like 5'6 and 106 lbs. not kidding. Tiny ass motherfucker, itty bitty, also a total discord guru, 60+ servers and has gifted nitro. Don't forget hot, because that's funny.

Oh! Also, weird affiliation with microwaves, don't ask why.
"Bruhhhh nahhhh bruhhh fr?"

"What... what the fuck are you saying?"

"I'm sayin bro that's a fuckn microtwink over there."

"Git trippin bruh fr?"

"Fr fr?"

"Bruhhhh 💀."
by UrDadIsGay:) November 18, 2021
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A mysterious man I came up with 5 days ago while playing Kahoot, he himself isn't that cringe, and is quite fun to be around. That being said, he has 7 different alternative accounts (That of which I shall not name) to post cringe on in many general chats of discord servers. He, like myself, plays Kahoot a lot and he has also heard that one song where Eminem is singing with the Kahoot music in the background.

(My entry here is 100% useless)
Master Cringe (Using 5th alt): *pretending to defend 4chan by presenting the common neckbeard argument, look up what that is I'm not explaining it*
A Discord Moderator: "Damn, that's cringe as hell, I should mute him."
Some Smartass: "I dunno man, that could be Master Cringe!"
by UrDadIsGay:) December 5, 2021
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