15 definitions by Timmay

The way that marcos says True
Yes Marcos, it is cha-rue if you drop the treo it will break!
by Timmay June 29, 2004
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Someone that can do a job well until the going gets tough, then self destructs. syn : peyton manning
Bob is a great telemarketer until he deals with irate people, then he pulls a mcnabb... he starts stuttering and slurring his words and can't sell jack shit the rest of the night.
by Timmay February 7, 2005
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A euphemism often used by Negro Americans, typically a command insinuating that if the individual in question does not desist with their current forward mannerisms they will incur a so called "bitch slapping," a most unpleasant experience.
Don't trip or I'll moonwalk up all up and down yo ass.
by Timmay November 29, 2003
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1)The space in between a female's legs where a male can find himself pretending he's at an all you can eat seafood extravaganza, hands tied and no utencils.

2)The genetalia of a particular breed of Asian dogs.
My head hurts so bad the only thing that would make me feel better is a face full of chow-box.
by Timmay November 29, 2003
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An over abused phrase by a politician with a frankenstein-like face.
"I have a plan.... to tell you the opposite of whatever my oponent says.... then tell you my plan after I am elected."
by Timmay October 15, 2004
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i was boinkin her hardcore last night
by Timmay December 7, 2004
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a wonderful instrument of vaginal pleasure composed by a jelly-filled dildo. wiggly and makes a snapping sound when slapped on the ass.
To avoid getting the ass clap, steve used a massive jelly dong on his playmate roger.
by Timmay January 17, 2004
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