14 definitions by Tiger

forrest. yup he has myspace herpes.
get only chicks to post 30+ comment on his page a day. he donsn't know a single one.
by Tiger April 1, 2005
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When a guy let's his dog out to make a group of girls stop.
Yesterday a group of guys let there puppy out so my friends and I would stop to catch his dog.
by Tiger March 26, 2005
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A lazy scumbag who contributes nothing by pretending to be ill.
He's was a total Appleby, taking money of his employer but never doing any work.
by Tiger September 25, 2003
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adv.: from high class, wealthy, or very well to do background.
unknowingly, unintentionally snobby or snooty.
Often refers especially to the attitude of the son/daughter of a well to do family.
(orig.)From the word 'Bourgeois'.
Used in several rap and hip-hop songs.
Popular synonym: 'Cosby Kid'
Alternate possible spellings: boozhee, boujee, boojy, boushi, booshi.
My female friend doesnt know where to get 40ozs because shes boojee. (the implication is that the subject never drank a 40oz, because she/he hasnt been exposed to such beverages and not so much that he/she is unaware that they exist)
by Tiger December 10, 2004
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selfish, smart, rude and bitch.
selfish, smart, rude and bitch.
by Tiger May 3, 2003
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