6 definitions by TheLightDreamer

1. The pursuit of things that one already has an excess of.

2. Not wanting to use any excess of something to help mankind in anyway other than benefiting or bettering themselves.

Also one of "The 7 Deadly Sins."
The billionaire often criticizes the Salvation Army because if he donates money (which he will NEVER do) the donation will not be in "his/her name" and the Salvation Army will get the "credit" for his donation.

The billionaire is greedy for a non-greedy person would not care as long as it would go to the betterment of a person in need.

In an extreme case of greediness the billionaire may try to make it seem like donating to the Salvation Army is a scam and they keep the money for themselves.
by TheLightDreamer December 22, 2011
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A person with a net worth between $1,000.00 and $999,999.99

- Wealthy thousandnaires are considered upper-middle class to upper-class.

- Moderately wealthy thousandnaires are considered middle-class to upper-middle class.

- Modest thousandnaires are considered lower-class to lower-middle-class.
1. The couple is well on their way to one million dollars, but as of now they are thousandnaires.

2. He/She has a big house, nice car, and thousands in the bank.

3. Well off thousandnaires may invest some money in the stock market to help their funds grow.
by TheLightDreamer December 1, 2011
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A gun that appeared on Der Riese (Nazi Zombies Mode) in Call of Duty: World at War. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 fires a bolt of electricity that can link to multiple targets, so it is very ammo efficient. However, many people dislike the Wunderwaffe DG-2 because if used incorrectly it can stun fellow teammates (Hazed Vision) and possibly kill the user.
1. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 cannot be used in close proximity to a target like a shotgun as it has a VERY high slash damage and can down the user.

2. If the Wunderwaffe DG-2 hits a target near a teammate the teammates vision will haze over for a couple seconds.

3. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 used in the hands of people who have had some basic practice with it.

4. Dr. Maxis seems to have hidden the weapon from Edward Richtofen when they where working together.

5. Tank Dempsey often calls it "The Wonder-Waffle."

6. This seems to be Edward Richtofen's second favorate gun to the MP40.
by TheLightDreamer December 20, 2011
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1. Sprite is a transparent, lemon-lime flavored (called "Lymon" by the company's owner), caffeine free soft drink, produced by the Coca-Cola Company. It was introduced in the United States in 1961. This was Coke's response to the popularity of 7 Up, which had begun as "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" in 1929. It comes in a primarily silver, green, and blue can or a green translucent bottle with a primarily green and blue label. In 1978, Sprite became the market leader position in the lemon soda category.

2. A mythical fairly-like creature.
1. This lemon-lime soda is called Sprite.

2. This mythical fariy-like creature that wants me to follow it is a sprite.
by TheLightDreamer December 15, 2011
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A person with a net worth between $1,000.00 and $999,999.99

- Wealthy thousandnaires are considered upper-middle class to upper-class.

- Moderately wealthy thousandnaires are considered middle-class to upper-middle class.

- Modest thousandnaires are considered lower-class to lower-middle-class.
1. The couple is well on their way to one million dollars, but as of now they are just thousandnaires.

2. He/She has a big house, nice car, and thousands in the bank.

3. Well off thousandaires may invest some money in the stock market to help their funds grow.
by TheLightDreamer December 6, 2011
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A comeback without much reason behind it besides random shock/bewilderment value. It is similar in usage to "You're Face!" or other random things that can be said as a comeback.

NOTE: This comeback is however tricky to use as saying it to a person who IS indeed adopted would be in very bad taste.

NOTE: This term is best used to friends or people you know are not adopted.
Person #1: "I don't understand why you would do that. That has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of a person doing!"

Person #2: "Shut up, you're adopted!"

Person #1: I am adopted, you monster!

Person #1: Oh! Well... I... uh...
by TheLightDreamer June 27, 2012
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