11 definitions by TheBaldOneMpls

1) Short for Johnny, which is short for comic book character Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

2) Abbreviation for New New York, the setting for the cartoon Futurama.
1) The girls love NNY for some reason.

2) Did you see the one where Fry went to Madison Cube Garden in NNY?
by TheBaldOneMpls February 16, 2004
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Shorthand for "All Good;" Everything is copasetic.
Man, it's A G in the hood.
by TheBaldOneMpls August 25, 2006
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A somewhat-annual event in which participants create steps for original songs for use with Dance With Intensity (DWI), and to a lesser extent, Stepmania, computer simulators of Dance Dance Revolution. Alternately known as TM.
Somebody entered steps for a Linkin Park song in the last TournaMix.
by TheBaldOneMpls February 7, 2004
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A song from the game Dance Dance Revolution (a.k.a. DDR) that is widely ignored. It first appeared in DDR Extreme and reaches a maximum BPM of 270. It is easier, slightly slower, and decidedly much less popular than similar-sounding PARANOiA Survivor Max (also see PSM and PSM Oni), which also debuted on Extreme.
PARANOiA Survivor is one of the hardest songs in DDR history!
by TheBaldOneMpls June 23, 2004
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Acknowledging that Object A is inferior to Object B in every way, yet preferring Object A. The phrase was coined on Family Guy when Peter Griffin used it in part to explain why he did not like The Godfather.
Atlanta's got no chance against Boston, but hey, I'm loving The Money Pit on this one. Atlanta in 6.
by TheBaldOneMpls April 15, 2008
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From Dance Dance Revolution (a.k.a. DDR); One More Extra Stage. "Dance Dance Revolution" (the name is the title of the OMES song, as well as the game itself.) The song is played with modifiers Dark (visual landmarks for timing are invisible), Reverse (the arrows, normally scrolling from the bottom-up, now scroll from the top-down), 1.5x (the arrows scroll 1.5 times faster than usual), and Sudden Death (one No Good/NG or non-combo step (good, boo, miss) ends the song).

Acquired by getting a AA on the default Extra Stage song The Legend of MAX, which is played using modifiers Dark, Reverse, 1.5x, and No Recover (the life bar, which usually starts at about 1/2 full and grows with the player's score, starts at full strength, and the player cannot add to this bar; only lose from it).
I finally cleared OMES with 29 greats!
by TheBaldOneMpls September 8, 2004
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Short for "Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!". The full phrase is the catchphrase of WWE superstar Zach Ryder. The initials are a rallying cry of his fans, similar to WWJD (What Would Jesus Do).
by TheBaldOneMpls October 29, 2009
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