57 definitions by The truth

A state where the multitudes in Chicago (and its collar) blame their woes on "Springfield" as if it weren't PRIMARILY elected officials and political players from Chicago (and its collar) making the decisions in Springfield.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley wants to put additional pressure on Springfield to allow a casino in the city.
by The truth December 29, 2005
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Biased communist propaganda marketed as "unbiased" or "independant."
Indymedia is a wonderful news site if you want to get opinions that basically blame the Jews for everything.
by The truth August 28, 2003
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Spike Lee is a Genius who showed white Hollywood and America, that black people could be portrayed as other than pimps, whores, drug-dealers and users. He showed us Black people can beautiful, intelligent, articulant and sexy. While not sugar coating reality.
by The truth October 26, 2003
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A phrase used in detective stories to describe the one vital clue that causes the whole plot to fall in to place.

"I couldn't figure it out...until I saw the tube of toothpaste."
by The truth October 21, 2003
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Holy month in the Islamic faith. People fast from approximately sunrise to sunset -- this practice creates tolerance and a respect for those who do not have enough to eat.
Ramadan is a very important month in the Islamic faith.

The definition of Ramadan above is exteremely ignorant.
by The truth April 3, 2005
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A contard(conservative retarded) is someone who will support every action unPresident Bush makes. When asked a question about Iraq and WMD's they try to hijack the question and talk about how Saddam Was a bad guy and how he killed his own people. Generally these are the people who are seen with signs "Nuke em all! YEEHAW!!!!!!!!" or "Iran is next" like it's a game or something.
Contard: yeehaw man' george bush shure is a gud president.

Normal Human: You sir, are an idiot.
by The truth January 17, 2005
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stupid wanna-be janoskians. people who think they're funny have obviously never seen the Jackass Movie
See wannabe and tryhard

BERGENATORS suck so hard my farts are funnier than them
by The truth May 19, 2013
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