15 definitions by The Real Beast.

A man who enjoys people, Especially children when he knows they are OK. He sees with his ears meaning when you talk to him for a bit in person, he gets a sketch of who you are if you let your guard down. Here’s the catch he doesn’t mind if you don’t want to let your guard down because he knows you can’t deny your nature too long and the truth of you will show to him by you in his presence and you may not even realize your own tells.
Yep. I started talking to him and I realized he’s a Yoder so I met him for dinner with my daughter. He didn’t know I am not only really good looking I have a daughter that thinks he is nice.
by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023
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A dude who gives people cash that need it like the wealthy tip concierges, with the cash folded in their palm and they shake your hand.
I didn’t know how I was gonna get home and he kevined me and when I opened my hand their was 200$.
by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023
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A dude who hooks you up with the woman you spend the rest of your life with… A Sasha, who is a bitch but she loves you.
I am so happy now when I see my Sasha cause he olivered me.
by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023
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A man who get pretty clean but kinda misses what made him unclean.
He thought he’d be better and when he realized he was just better off we all knew he got Tophered.
by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023
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She is more than a trophy and she’s not perfect but damn close. She has cat eyes and a great jawline. But this cat doesn’t purr, she roars. She knows when to stay, she knows when to leave, but most importantly…she knows when to come back.
When I saw her I had started to think of her and I did a double take and knew she was a Sasha.
by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023
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A woman who can bitch slap you and make you smile at the same time.
I saw her eyes and I knew it was coming and then she belled me, my head turned to the side and when it ratcheted back I was left smiling.
by The Real Beast. October 5, 2023
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A guy who is overly cautious. But if you knew why you might at least understand if not sympathize.
Chris said, “Topher, you are a Cissy if you don’t let your son play football. Topher replied, “ I have had four concussions, how many have you had, Chris?
by The Real Beast. October 6, 2023
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