18 definitions by The Painful Reality

Your average dumbass who still uses "faggotry" and "autism" to describe things they hate. Clearly stuck in the past and narrow-minded to new ideas and concepts, even to old ones that work.
Nikolai shows his mental midget behavior as he shows off his obsession with Pokemon, giving shit to some teenager for making their own fan made designs. Clearly having a shit fit over this.
by The Painful Reality May 25, 2020
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Acting like you're so moral while shitting on someone else despite them not doing shit to you.
"Dominic typed in 'sigh' as he was doing a pointless circlejerk against some guy's pictures that he deliberately searched for for having colors that he himself normally didn't use, acting as if he had the Moral High Ground as he himself was in a pit."
by The Painful Reality May 15, 2020
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Basically a excuse to hate-circlejerk (Fucking with people) other people's stuff and have it fall under an umbrella of said name. Basically bullying with protection by word manipulation.
ThomasDaTank stole some good pics from my pal online Railrodder and reposted onto his favorite Thomas the train Discord, basically saying some nasty and made-up shit about his OC's and how """awful""" they are, even saying "I'm horny for Jessica the cyborg." said character being 16 years old. I tried to report this shit but the mod stated "It's just criticism" which means "Hell no, we allow bullying here."
by The Painful Reality May 13, 2020
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A virtue-signaling (And quite hypocritical) asshat who will attack you for complementing anyone, yet will tell you to "fuck off" when you point out his hypocritical nature, then blocks you after his ego gets the slightest bruise.
"TheRavenousRaven came up to me after stating to a guy, 'Ignore these assholes', telling me how awful he was for debunking a bunch of S.J.W.'s, then tells me to fuck off, blocks me after making the first attack at me, a perfect example of inbreeding."
by The Painful Reality May 31, 2018
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Dumbass who listens to country music, is violent over petty shit, calls names on other and drives a giant truck.
That Redneck is better off in jail, or on the electric chair.
by The Painful Reality August 12, 2020
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1. To create/revive the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief).

2. To protect the sham or falseness of <rebunk a legend>

A Proper noun is Rebunker.
The advocate of the Hollow Earth Theory went into the comments section of the video to have the theory rebunked using federal-funded websites and in a attempt to stop people from questioning it.
by The Painful Reality April 19, 2016
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A syndrome normally found with white guys who compensate for their tiny genitals or being heavily inbred by owning a loud, jacked-up truck, getting violent over petty shit and other retarded reasons.
"You saw that guy with the mustache, ponytail and his giant truck?"

"Oh yeah, that asshole that threatened to kill that guy on a bike over leaning on some other guy's truck?"

"Yeah, he's got Big Truck Syndrome."
by The Painful Reality August 12, 2020
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