100 definitions by The Milk Man Cometh

When you squat too heavy and too low and your anal walls prolapse from the strain

You then have to do the walk of shame past all your lifting acquaintances
Doctor: Yes I'm afraid you have a very severe case of squatters sphincter there madam. Shame really because its a marvelous arse

Patient: is there anything that you can do for it

Doctor: I can push it back in for you but it will only fall out again next time you squat
by The Milk Man Cometh November 22, 2020
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Not quite a micro penis but significantly smaller than a little penis
James just wriggled around on top of me with his little shrew dick
by The Milk Man Cometh November 17, 2020
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Mulligans (aka tits) that look like they have been through a mangle

Flat as pancakes and usually with nipples teetering on the very southern point of the breast
Come here big boy and I'll give you a squeeze of my mangled mulligans
by The Milk Man Cometh November 22, 2020
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Extremely saggy tits and proud of it too, the world needs more slumflowers
Shes a role model that slumflower
by The Milk Man Cometh November 19, 2020
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Once magnificent cantaloupes firm and perky, the years have not been kind to them. Sagged and deflated beyond their former selves they are now wilted wobblers

Binding them is the only way to make them resemble their former splendor

Either that or a really good push up bra to create that shelf look again

These wilted wobblers would well and truly fail the pencil test
Dude 1: Remember that fox from work with the great rack?

Dude 2: Yeah such a great set.

Dude 1: Turns out they are just wilted wobblers. Dude 2: Wow that was some bra she had creating that shelf look
by The Milk Man Cometh November 21, 2020
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The magic that a wonderbra can create for deflated breasts
Wearing my favourite bra again to give me that shelf look
by The Milk Man Cometh November 21, 2020
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Once revered as gods amongst men these beauties had it all ... looks, hair, body, style, wit

Now in their later years they have lost their looks, their body is not what it was, they long for those days when they were in their prime

Its too bad we have to get old 😪
Like a formerly favourite toy this once stunning creature has to come to terms with being pedestalast
by The Milk Man Cometh November 21, 2020
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