4 definitions by The Cantoons

Cockney rhyming slang, used when making plans to meet at approximately seven o' clock (sevenish)

Refers to British 400m runner Marlon Devonish
"I'll see y'round Marlon, geez"
by The Cantoons October 12, 2007
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A skinny heroin addict

Has much the same meaning as smackhead, boothead or rackatoon

Has also come to mean an original thinker
"Look at that cantoon, what a Toby"

"Charles Darwin was a profound cantoon"
by The Cantoons October 12, 2007
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Word used to describe the town of Wokingham, Berkshire, in the United Kingdom, which is renowned for having an overpopulation of males at each of its many drinking establishments
"I wanna snaffle some bapples tonight. Where we going? Not Blokingham!"
by The Cantoons October 12, 2007
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A way of describing the town of Reading, Berkshire, in the United Kingdom.
"Mate, we need to get down the Ding for a smash up"
by The Cantoons October 12, 2007
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