19 definitions by The Afterworld Cafe

Noun: Something new, childish, simplistic, amateurish, or meant for beginners. It may also refer to foolishly innocent thoughts or actions.

Origin: Drawn from Saul Williams' "Penny for a Thought":

"a young child stares at a glowing screen
transfixed by tales of violence
his teenage father tells him that that's life,
not that Barney shit
a purple dinosaur that speaks of love,
a black man that speaks of blood
which one is keeping it real, son?"
~"Did you hear Jen got that job?"
~"At the lawyer's office? It's Barney shit. She's a secretary with a fancy title."

~"I tried a Guinness Stout for the first time last night. It was so good."
~"You're lucky. After all these years drinking Mich Ultra, you're lucky you can handle good beer. That Barney shit will ruin perfectly good taste buds."

~"Dude, Gina just waved to me. Do you think she likes me?"
~"What? Spare me the Barney shit. Go talk to her."
by The Afterworld Cafe March 5, 2010
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noun: A spinner who holds so tightly to the man that's fucking her that when he gets up on all fours, she no longer touches the bed.
Ally is a real clinger. Last night when I was fucking her, she wrapped herself around me so tight that I got up, got a beer and changed the TV channel without losing rhythm.
by The Afterworld Cafe July 3, 2005
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n or v: an aspect of one person -a trait, belief, or opinion that leads others to find him or her unattractive, whether for romantic or friendly relationships.

To influence in a negative way
"the unfluence that lead to Ted being shunned by the crowd was his inability to let others speak without interrupting them."

"The cold sore on her lip unfluenced me from trying to take her home."
by The Afterworld Cafe May 23, 2009
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noun: A Gargantuan fat chick, usually unkempt and smelly and frequently of foul temperament.

The kind of woman that Buffalo Bill hunts.

See also Buffalouis
"There was a Buffalola sitting next to me at the bar. She needed a bar stool for each of her ass cheeks."
by The Afterworld Cafe July 3, 2005
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n. -one who does not have the mental capacity to properly and safely navigate a public road.

Some one who drives like a retard.

Someone suffering from Roadtardation
During summer, Cape Cod is beset upon by roadtards. Driving becomes an exercise in futility and stress.
by The Afterworld Cafe October 10, 2007
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A strong urge to find a skank with which to perform sexual acts. A strong hankering to sleep with a slut.
I don't think I'm looking to meet a nice girl today. I have a skankering for something naughty and dirty, like the town tramp.
by The Afterworld Cafe July 29, 2009
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noun: A huge, fat man, normally unkemp and foul smelling, and frequently of foul temperament.

See also Buffalola
"Look at that disgusting fat dude."

"Where? Damn, Buffalouis in the house."
by The Afterworld Cafe July 3, 2005
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