4 definitions by The Secretive One

Her height turns heads and when someone is tall enough to see her face, they need to blink a few times to make sure she isn't a dream. She's beautiful and total model material. She's funny, smart, pretty, and guys are secretly crazy about her. She will go far in life and she's unstoppable when she knows what she wants. Don't get in this girls way. She may seem innocent and shy at first but the sexy monster underneath is life changing.
-Woah who was that tall chick?
-Her name is Karina. Hot right?
-Yeah I wanna get to know her
by The Secretive One November 4, 2013
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A guy who takes a lot of work to break down to find the real him. Whenever you see him you want him inside of you and every time he texts first a huge smile comes across your face. His looks make your heart skip a beat and you're always caught staring at him. He can be the best person to go to with a problem or the biggest jackass on Earth. He knows everything about you and you know all his secrets. Sometimes he'll be there for you but often gets caught up with his reputation. The sexiest guy ever.
-OMG stop staring at him!
-I'm sorry but Tommy is so hot!
by The Secretive One November 4, 2013
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Will is a guy that might be the sweetest human being to walk the earth. He's been through so much more than anyone can ever imagine and you can talk to him about any problem. He's an amazing lover, super hot, and a great person to cuddle with. When he walks by the lady's surround him saying his name, and boys go gay for him. Total sex god
-Woah who's that?
-Will! he's perfection. Literally sex on toast
by The Secretive One November 10, 2013
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A guy who can entertain you forever. Total pot head though. His voice melts your heart and his looks turn you on to the max. Someone who is a player and comes across as a jerk but when you get to know him, you want him with you forever. Can break your heart with the snap of his fingers and make you cry from happiness with just one text. Seeing him gives you a total lady boner and his skills to sweep you off your feet are perfected. All you want when you see him is him in your bed. A jerk but also the best friend in the world. I love him.
-Woah! Who's that hottie?
-OMG he's such a total Vince right?! Complete chick magnet for me!
-I need to get closer to him! I need him now!
by The Secretive One November 3, 2013
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