4 definitions by The Ill3st

something you say to rep the area you are from. popularized by Jay-Z's newest single "Brooklyn" where the chorus is a woman repeating "Brooklyn we go hard, we go hard." may be used seriously to put your city on the map, or as a joke in conjunction with places that arent known to "go hard"
Example 1 (serious people): Brooklyn We Go hard

DC we go hard

Example 2 (Just for LOLs): disneyland we go hard
Mushroom kingdom we go hard
my dick we go hard lol

by The Ill3st March 28, 2009
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a website where you chat with complete strangers; its pretty much where I chat up brazilian chicks and bother everyone else; some people try to be funny but they say jokes I've already heard
Hi you're on Omegle!!

Stranger: HEY
Stranger: a/s/l?
You: I am 21.
You: Girl from Taiwan
Stranger: O cool. what do you do in Taiwan?
You: I eat panda.
by The Ill3st April 13, 2009
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a. a professional NBA basketball player who has admitted to not believing in the star-spangled banner because he is black; a dumbass who tried to make his black friends laugh but instead will have to pay for his mistake for the rest of his life

b. Also, an extremely, dark chocolatey black person

StarSpanglt banner goin on in the back i don beleive in any of that cuz im black nigga Obama 08 and dave chappelle ftw nigga so you can rise up off my nuts LOLPWND!!!11oneone

Nestle presents, their all new flavor of CRUNCH....The Josh Howard.

by The Ill3st September 20, 2008
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Some random lady that could be your next Vice President. Like Hilary but she doesn't look like an alien.
Sarah Palin is hot for a woman in her mid-40s
by The Ill3st August 30, 2008
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