10 definitions by The Artiscrybre


The practice of ignoring the law entirely when the letter of the law and the intent of the law disagree.
Billy: "...And in my punscuopopy, once I saw everyone going 15 over the speed limit, I was gone! The officer reduced it to 85 mph since he was afraid of standing too long by the side of the road with all of the speeding cars."
by The Artiscrybre July 10, 2022
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A final tangible reminder of a person for a period of time, delivered to the person leaving (or being left behind) by the first.
"With a huff, she left the room, tipping over the banana tree plant, spilling all of the wet coffee inside all over the floor, a final parting gift for her former girlfriend Stacy."
by The Artiscrybre July 10, 2022
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A scathing, rapid-talking, pointed, seemingly-indefensible, and spiky opinion on a matter.
"Regardless of how you view his politics, most agree that Ben Shapiro's brishly stances on policy made legible debate all but moot save for those rare tenants of the world in blessed possession of a slo-mo blaster."
by The Artiscrybre July 10, 2022
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Big for some, small for others. The very definition of a thing that would be divisive were it not so low stakes.
Bill: Whale, it's all unpocolo to him. Ah' reckon he'll come around shortly about it.
Bon: What ah' don' un'erstan' is how some man could go sich as a crazy boy around town after his wife wore a blue dress to church. It don' matter, nonofus is Democrats!
by The Artiscrybre July 18, 2022
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The most sarcastic son-of-a-bitch alive.

Also, Rebecca, why is this the first thing you googled? Ugh.
"Sadie finally managed to have a lighthearted conversation with Exius, but he kept derailing it with his incessant flood of signature actually-hilarious-jokes".
by The Artiscrybre July 10, 2022
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Incessantly, unceasingly sarcastic individual known for his witty puns, clever comebacks, and clever quips. Is the kind to share about knowing at least one "hottie mcthottie".
"Sadie finally managed to have a lighthearted conversation with Exius, but couldn't keep it on track with his incessant riposte of his signature actually-hilarious-jokes".
by The Artiscrybre July 10, 2022
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Valuing the good of the tribe over the good of all.
"Billy rose to the top of his small town community after adopting a brishly partisan stance against city people, a small challenge considering all people opposing him were far away in the city or too scattered to protest."
by The Artiscrybre July 10, 2022
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