5 definitions by The Ant

Emu Export, beer produced in heaven, sold in Australia, and drunk by bogans and legends.
by The Ant October 11, 2006
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Any girl/woman who has a child, but normally referring to one's own mother.
Sometimes shortened to 'bez'
I'm too pissed to drive, better call my beryl.
by The Ant October 11, 2006
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The most pathetic type of person existing on the planet.
I want to be a parking inspector when i grow up so I can be a shit bloke.
by The Ant October 31, 2006
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To be the victim of a bad twist of fate. Observers might say "copped it!" or "uuuuunlucky".
1) "Yuk, i copped it in the eye"

2) Luke copped it totally when Brenden covered his pillow in pubic hair.

3) Watch out, unless you want to cop it in the eye.
by The Ant October 20, 2006
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Any male who has a child somewhere in the world, but normally used to refer to one's own father. Sometimes shortened to 'Cess' or 'Cez'
"Me and me' cez are going to get on the red can and watch the footy tonight."

"Leave me alone or my cecil will bash you"
by The Ant October 20, 2006
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