19 definitions by Thats16myboi

A post in social media that is stupid, cringeworthy, or just plain {BS}.
Gerry: Did you see Anton's latest social media post?
Nick: Nah, I'd rather not. They're all clownposts, I heard.
by Thats16myboi June 9, 2020
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In Japanese mythology, the ghost of a woman who was married to a samurai. She cheated on him with another man, and when her husband found that out, he killed her by cutting a slash wound on her face that ran from her mouth to her cheek. Nowadays, she roams the streets at night with a surgeon's mask and asks random people the question "Do you think I'm pretty?". If you say no, she will mutilate you. However, if you say yes, she will reveal her full face to you. Then she will ask the same question. Again, if you say no, you will still be mutilated. If you say yes again, she will cut your face in order to make you look like her. The only known way to avoid death during a confrontation with a kuchisake-onna is by saying that she is neither pretty nor ugly or some other unexpected answer. Right after answering, throw something at her and run for your life.

The kuchisake-onna's name means "slit-mouth woman" in Japanese.
Kuchisake-onna: Am I pretty?
Person: Yes
*removes the mask
Kuchisake-onna: Now am I pretty?

Person: Yo mamma's so old

*runs away
by Thats16myboi October 29, 2019
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To be successful, famous, popular, etc.
I miss those days in which Ke$ha, Katy, Gaga, Bey, and Cher Lloyd were popping. The newer songs just aren't as good.
by Thats16myboi June 25, 2020
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A term that originated from the 2004 movie 'Mean Girls'. It is a book the Plastics use to write nasty comments and start rumors/gossip about their classmates. Nowadays, it can be used to refer to any book that contains hateful comments about anything.
Got anything bitchy you want to say about someone? Put it in a burn book then!
by Thats16myboi June 20, 2020
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