4 definitions by ThatOneDuck

Sexy ass mother fucker. SAMF
Used to describe someones sexyness.
Person 1: Damn mccree is a samf

Person 2: Bruh hes not a samf at all....
by ThatOneDuck August 23, 2017
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End My Life
Used when you want don't want to live anymore.
Person 1: Just eml....

Person2: Don't do that!
by ThatOneDuck August 23, 2017
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The meme guy. He always has the greatest and the most fresh memes.
Friend: Whos the memer?
Friend 2: You mean the Anders?
by ThatOneDuck October 25, 2017
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Eatism is a disease that makes you feel like you don't eat enough, even tho you do. This disease often leads to overweight.
Person 1: I don't feel like i ate enough food today.

Person 2: But you just ate a whole pizza

Person 2: Maybe you have Eatism?
by ThatOneDuck August 23, 2017
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