12 definitions by That Guy With The Face

A person that becomes an admin/moderator of several online forums for the sole purpose of having the title. Power mods tend to contribute minimal to their communities and are only there for the benefits.
Mark: Hey, look at this guy's profile. He moderates 129 communities but has only posted 2 comments in the past week.
Nick: Yup, this guy is a total power mod. I'd be surprised if he gave even one fuck about the forums that he manage.
by That Guy With The Face February 26, 2014
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A person who cares too much about what is and isn't politically correct.
Mark: Hey, Nick, look at this. This guy in the chat room is getting all bent out of shape because I called President Obama black instead of African-American.

Nick: Wow. This dude is the very definition of a PC Twinkie.
by That Guy With The Face November 7, 2013
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Used to describe SkyDoesMinecraft, a famous Minecrafter, and his annoying fanbase that consists of stupid 9-year-olds. The Sky Army is known for killing squids, renaming gold items to "Budder" and yelling at people who say "gold".
Mark: God, dang it, someone on the server just blew up my squid farm!
Nick: Was probably one of those Sky Army fags.
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When a person uses multiple accounts or certain programs to gain likes and/or views on their comments and posts.
Mark: Hey look at this. The guy who's advertising his channel already has 12 likes and his comment isn't even 2 minutes old.
Nick: Oh yeah, this dude totally has a likebot.
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A juvenile prank (usu. committed near Halloween) where a person's car or front porch is coated in syrup, honey and sugar.

This process attracts many bugs (esp. ants) which can cause hundreds of dollars in damage.
Mark: Nina! Get an exterminator on the line!

Nina: Why, what happened?

Mark: I think some punks were sugaring my car last night! There are bugs everywhere!
by That Guy With The Face November 7, 2013
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A person who uses their tablet to take pictures instead of using their phone or camera.
Nick: Ugh, I can't see the stage at all because of all these idiots blocking my view with their tablets.
Mark: Padholes. Padholes everywhere.
by That Guy With The Face August 23, 2013
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A woman sporting an outfit consisting of shorts or a skirt coupled with Ugg boots.
Mark: Why is that girl wearing furry boots and shorts? That makes no sense.
Nick: Ignore her, she's just an eskiho.
by That Guy With The Face July 22, 2013
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