48 definitions by T.J. Dubz

After you eat something crazy delicious and continue to smell what you just ate and you start to get hungry again.
Hey, we got to get out of here away from this food, I am starting to get rehungry.
by T.J. Dubz August 20, 2008
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On large car rims it is the portion of the inside of the wheel that is painted usually to match the cars paint job.
T: yo.. check out that green 64'

V: ahhh tight, its even gots da lip stick on the rims!!
by T.J. Dubz May 29, 2008
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The bracelets of fat on an obease persons wrist. They have an appearance of the michelin mans body.
Lets go ask that guy what time it is.

That dude isn't even wearing a watch, those protrusions are just his wrist rolls bulging out of his sleeve.
by T.J. Dubz December 23, 2011
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Generally people who ride busses or subways all the time. They just stand in the aisle and hang on to the strap so they don't fall down.
Hey, lets catch the subway and go uptown.

I hate riding the subway this time of day. There are too many damn strap hangers.
by T.J. Dubz March 2, 2008
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Very similar to a "tramp stamp" but this is tagged on a very obease individual. It is what most farmers use to catorgize their cows from their neighbors. But simply speaking, it is a fat ass bitch with a tatoo on the back of her waist.
OMG, look at that fat bitch with the tramp stamp.

Naaa man, thats not a tramp stamp, thats a cattle brand
by T.J. Dubz April 6, 2008
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The lovely plastic encased magazines at the top of the magazine rack.
This book store is awesome, they don't bag their porn like other stores. Bag porn sucks.
by T.J. Dubz August 13, 2011
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An immediate massive solid erection that occurs at the sight or smell of bacon.
Do you want to go to waffle house?

No! I get a huge bacon boner as soon as I get within 50 feet of that place.
by T.J. Dubz October 26, 2011
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