6 definitions by SwtMsT

Used to describe people who gossip or can't keep a secret.
"I wouldn't tell them, they like to talk."
by SwtMsT May 2, 2006
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A shortened term for "Sweet", often used in Internet slang.
"Swt! A Party!"

"cuz he's so swt!"
by SwtMsT September 20, 2005
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1. Looking at products you do not intend to buy
2. A person who is involved with a signifigant other causually admiring another person's body.
1. "It's too expensive here, but I love window shopping."
2. "Jason wasn't intersted in that girl passing by, he has a girlfriend. Sometimes he just likes to window shopping"
by SwtMsT May 9, 2006
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An extremely popular Japanese Singer. He became popular with the band Malice Mizer, but eventually started a solo career. He can speak a plethora of languages, including Chinese, English, French and his native tounge. His style often changes, but he usually wears blue contacts.
He was once married to a Korean woman, but it ended badly and he is not enthusiastic to marry again- also because he was quoted that "dating" was a favorite pastime. He almost drowned as a child, and experienced trauma with the paranormal (hearing spirits), and therefore does not want to have any children of his own. He is also an experienced martial artist and his body fat percentage ranges from a mere 6%-8%.
Due to Gackt's sex appeal his fans mainly consist of women(though there are also rumors he is homosexual-which were never adressed by Gackt himself.). He has produced many different genres of music-rock, pop, ballad, ect-which appeal to all genders and all ages, all over the world. He has also appeared in movies, the latest being the sucessful Moonchild.
"Did you hear about Gackt's new album, Black Stone?"

"AAAAAHHHH! Gackuto-san!! Aishiteru!!"

"Gackt should tour in the U.S."
by SwtMsT June 1, 2005
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The Latin term for "Soldier".
"Eternal Soldier translates to'Eternum Soldat'"
by SwtMsT September 20, 2005
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Meaning: Morning Dew(Hebrew)
pronounced: "Tahlee-yah" or "tah-LEE-yah"

This name is most related to Talia Shire, the lead female in the "Rocky" movies, who drowned when out on her boat. Also the name of a popular Mexican Singer.
"Didn't Talia sing with Fat Joe?"
by SwtMsT June 1, 2005
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