16 definitions by Sonicwave.exe

Rule 500 and 0

What does 500 and 0 make?
*mind blown*
Girl: what?
Boy: rule 500 and 0?
Girl: oh...
by Sonicwave.exe May 11, 2021
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rule 164

If two friends of opposite genders are bored for over 5 minutes, they must engage in sexual intercourse.

No exeptions.
Girl: I'm bored. How long has it been?
Boy: 6 minutes.
Girl: rule 164. wanna fuck?
by Sonicwave.exe May 17, 2021
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Rule -3

There can be only one man in an entire school that doesn't love ANYONE. Absolutely no one.
Boy: Love is overrated!
Boy 2: didn't someone else say that?
Boy: Uh...no!
Boy 3: Rule -3, bitch.
by Sonicwave.exe May 11, 2021
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rule uno

Whenever you are in a math class, you MUST have a deck of uno cards. Type doesn't matter, just have a deck.
Teacher: that's all we have for today. Take a break
Students: *sit there and do nothing*
Nerd in the back: rule uno
Students: *start tryharding at uno*
by Sonicwave.exe May 11, 2021
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rule -2

Other definitions of rules dont count if it is not the first rule defined on the urban dictionary.
Girl: I found a funny definition for rule 34!
Boy: what page is it on?
Girl: the very last page!
Boy: rule -2
by Sonicwave.exe May 11, 2021
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The Miller rule

If you are in a science class and you are doing model rockets, you have to fuck up your rocket the most you can.
Boy: I just created a spiderman rocket!
Sped man: I created an intercontinental ballistic missile from the Soviet Union. This is the Miller rule.
by Sonicwave.exe May 11, 2021
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Rule -1

If there is no definition of the rule you searched up, it is your civil duty to make a definition for it.
Girl: I tried to find a rule for women on top of men, but I cant find one...
Man: rule -1. Stop being lazy you slut.
by Sonicwave.exe May 10, 2021
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