20 definitions by Somebody, but not Nobody

A point when a meeting or discussion ceases to focus on the primary topic at hand, to focus on more trivial concepts.
"So we're confident the use of a heavy water moderator will totally reduce void risk, especially when pumped horizontally through the core. Thoughts?"
"Uh yeah, are we gonna paint the bike shed purple?"
"I think blue is more harmonious."
"No, its should be yellow."
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A derogatory term for Facebook, a popular social media site. Commonly used to slander Facebook, due to the site's increasingly aged, conservative leaning user base.
This morning I signed into the ol' Karenbook to see what my sister was up to, and my feed was full of anti-vaxxer trash.
by Somebody, but not Nobody August 26, 2020
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To constantly behave like a baby or young child as an adult. This may include: being spiteful, crying about inane things, wanting attention, self-affirmation, or seen as a constant complainer.
I didn't realize you could get out of an offer to buy a public company for 24 billion, but damn, this dude has terminal baby syndrome.
by Somebody, but not Nobody October 14, 2022
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A genre of literature and media that introduces contemporary weird fiction elements, postmodernist elements, high fantasy, and real world dynamics and perspectives in a hodgepodge that is better read/seen than merely assigned a definition.

Defining works of the New Weird include but aren't limited to: the novel House of Leaves, the collective Worldbuilding project SCP Foundation, the video game Control, and TV shows like Twin Peaks and Riget.
For many people, Perdido Street Station, the SCP canons, or Control was their gateway drug to the new weird: where fantasy finds a contemporary foundation.
by Somebody, but not Nobody May 16, 2022
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1) Abbr, for "Nice Fuckin' Titties." See Pornhub for additional information.

2) Abbr, for "Non Fungible Token," a theoretical record in an immutable ledger that allows you to stake a claim of 'ownership' of a digital asset. Never you mind that NFTs don't function as claims of ownership, nor of copyright. Nor that they exist for any legitimate purpose except to rugpull suckers of their money. For additional information, see the video "Line Goes Up" on your video sharing platform of choice.
I had originally thought that Jessica's NFTs were her titties from a zip site, imagine my shock when all it was, WAS A GOD DAMN APE PICTURE!!
by Somebody, but not Nobody June 1, 2022
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A sometimes derogatory, sometimes celebratory term used for a video game typically from the former Soviet Union or a Warsaw Pact nation that has a surreal atmosphere, notably bad (or no) support for non Slavic languages, and is littered with bugs, flaws, or defects.
It's not just limited to HROT anymore: Cyberpunk 2077 and Dying Light 2 have joined the ranks of notable launches bogged with problems, renewing interest in the term "slav jank" as a warning.
by Somebody, but not Nobody February 20, 2022
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If its not a boat, or a coat, or a moat, it must be a scrote
by Somebody, but not Nobody March 11, 2022
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