7 definitions by Skitzophrenic

Insane Clown Posse

Who are they? Musicians? No, musicians make music.
Guy 1: What is Insane Clown Posse?
Guy 2: No one.
by Skitzophrenic December 11, 2012
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One Trick Pony

Generally used in MOBAs, this is the act of using only one person/character in a game, without stray.
Man 1: I only play D.Va.
Man 2: Then you're a one trick pony.
by Skitzophrenic March 6, 2018
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The date that comes after 12/11/12. Has no real significance in the way we live our lives.
Person 1: Do you know what the date is!?!?
Person 2: Wednesday?
Person 1: No! It's 12/12/12
Person 2: No, I'm pretty sure it's Wednesday.
by Skitzophrenic December 12, 2012
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World of Warcraft

The game that will make you say;
Life? What life?!?!
Person 1: Dude, I just hit level 90 on my Troll.
Person 2: You need to go outside man.
Person 1: But, I am outside....in the world of warcraft.
by Skitzophrenic December 11, 2012
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An article of clothing worn mostly by hospital staff.
Make sure your wearing your scrub before you come to work.
by Skitzophrenic December 11, 2012
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The letter people text you when they don't want to talk to you anymore.
Person 1: Cool, I'll talk to you tomorrow then?
Person 2: K
by Skitzophrenic December 11, 2012
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An amazing band, using elements of pop, electro, dubstep and rock to make hit songs, songs such as Turn It Up and Under the Sea.
Guy 1: Dude, did you go to that Timeflies concert?
Guy 2: Yeah dude, it was off the chain!
by Skitzophrenic December 11, 2012
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