301 definitions by Sir. B

A very rude, crude, crass, and insensitive word to describe Non-consensual sexual footage
Stop telling Non-consensual sexual footage as Revenge Porn, because:
1. It put the blames onto the victim (because they'll assume victim doing something wrong onto the perpretrator)
2. It trivialize sexual abuse as a form of "entertainment" (because they'll assume "revenge porn" as "porn", not pre-recorded sexual abuse)
by Sir. B March 23, 2021
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A religious slur to refer to Islamic people in General, synonymous with Abdul/Abdool in English-speaking countries
RT 06 citizens are always disrupting our civilized society
by Sir. B June 4, 2022
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PlayStation generations which use x86 (sourced by AMD) processors.
With ARM chips outperform x86 in many aspect, i bet Sony will kill PSx86 and full on with their own "secret sauce" (a.k.a proprietary) ARM-compatible silicon (just like Apple did) on their next PlayStation (i don't know maybe on PS6 or PS7)
by Sir. B September 4, 2021
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Aceh and Indonesia is incompatible in so many aspects:
1. In Aceh, pot/marijuana is a culture; while in Indonesia, pot is outlawed
2. Indonesian Muslim is a half-assed Muslim; while in Aceh, Puritanism has a stronghold
3. Genetically, Indonesian is Malay; while Aceh has no Malay descendants at all (that's why Aceh stands for Arabic, Chinese, European, and Hindustani)
by Sir. B September 3, 2021
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Utang (Debt), Gadai (Pawn), Dol (Sell).

A condition when someone is running out of money due to extreme addiction; living a lavishly-pretentious-hedonistic lifestyle; or involved in cult, Ponzi Scheme, or something similar: having enormous debt, so they sell and/or pawn their possessions just to survive
Ora Umum! Ora Umum! UGD!
by Sir. B September 22, 2021
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A portmanteau of Ustad + Retard

See pester (religious or spiritual fake guru/furu)
Here's a top 10 red flags if you hear the ustard preaching (if s/he has minimum one of these red flags, it means s/he's a ustard):
1. They teach you "Prosperity Theology", "Hypergrace", or any similar theology
2. They're so bigoted and racist as fuck: They think other religion/spirituality beliefs, lukewarm believer, non-believer, romance and sex, LGBTIQ++++, or anything against their religious or spiritual value are evil and must go to hell. AND THEY HAVE A BALL TO PREACH THEIR BIGOTRY AND RACISM PUBLICLY, EITHER IN FRONT OF THEIR FOLLOWERS/CONGREGATION OR THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.
3. Because of Point #2, they're responsible to create moral panic and racism everywhere
4. They're hypocrite
5. They're trying to shut down any critical thinking
6. They're cult leader, not a religious preacher or spiritual teacher (but they claim if they're religious preacher or spiritual teacher)
7. They're cherrypicking the Scripture (or any religious/spiritual books) and interpret it whatever they wish instead of telling the truth
8. They've a hedonistic living (just like secular fake gurus)
9. They're charlatan smart-ass (just like secular fake gurus)
10. They don't give a single shit about you, they just want your money and your attachment
by Sir. B February 2, 2021
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The perfect place to ruin your digital footprint
1. Did you think you're safe when you upload your newds or pr0ns on OnlyFans because it's hidden behind the paywall? Of course not

The company can pay for it (OnlyFans), and when you caught on there (OnlyFans), your career ended miserably: either your application (sponsorship proposals, job applications, etc.) rejected, or you're cancelled, sacked, or whatever
2. Things that ruined your digital footprint:
Upload your drunken footages
Upload your sexual contents, either for free (like on PornHub) or behind the paywall (like on OnlyFans)
Evading Smart City mechanisms (just because you don't post it on social media doesn't mean nobody can know it)
by Sir. B February 7, 2021
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