32 definitions by Shoqvalue

A more descriptive and catchier synonym for emo progressive or puritopian.

An Emotarian usually arrives at all of their political positions through an emotional calculus rather than a rational one; a formula by which any issue can be understood through the lens of unyielding idealism, with little regard for history or precedent, and fiercely defended to the point where any pragmatic thinking or compromise must be viciously characterized as "selling out," even at the expense of some immediate political gain over previous political conditions. They are particularly prone to assigning bad faith and evil motive to any democratic President who refuses to make speeches that sound as if Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich or Michael Moore wrote them.
Emotarians are upset with President Obama for threatening to use force against Syria. They believe all war is bad, thus, any use of force—or threat to use force—is unjustified, and further evidence that the President must be a malignant fascist tool of a global corporate plutocracy.
by Shoqvalue September 10, 2013
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Acronym meaning: Socially Transmitted Decepticons

Professional or professionally-organized social media users who use one or more online personas to launch political or personal attacks on opponents or their issues. Often, so called "persona software" is used to manage many such deceptive identities simultaneously in order to create the impression that multitudes hold similar points of view.

Sometimes called Sock Puppets, STDs can infect multiple social media streams at one time, creating the illusion of mass interest or agreement sufficient to influence an issue or debate.
The minute the President announced the military action, a thousand STDs magically appeared on Twitter trying to create the illusion that much of the public thought it was an illegal act of war because Congress had not authorized it.
by Shoqvalue March 18, 2011
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Conservative + Corporate (ADJ)

A shorter form of Concorporative.

See: Concorporative
Most major media companies seek and support conservative regulatory and tax relief policies that benefit their financial bottom line. This concorporate nature influences a great deal of its programming, analysis, and commentary.
by Shoqvalue February 1, 2010
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An organized political tactic or strategy aimed at exposing and promoting the actual facts about a political candidate, their positions, or their record.

A play on "Swiftboating," where baseless allegations are widely promoted to smear a candidate (often with funding provided by outside groups),"Truthboating" is designed to discredit a candidate or their positions based on well documented facts or the public record.

While some might consider telling the truth about a candidate to be a "dirty trick," others feel the practice may actually make an important contribution to electoral politics.
Mitt Romney called it "disgusting" that the Obama campaign was citing actual facts about when he worked at Bain Capital. Such truthboating is expected to escalate as the presidential election approaches.
by Shoqvalue July 14, 2012
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A more formal designation for the socio-economic blending of corporate, fiscal and social conservatism that now typifies the so-called "tea Party" movements in the United States.
Sarah Palin and Dick Armey are two of the nation's more prominent personalities that advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, fewer social entitlements, and other tenets of trio-conservatism.
by Shoqvalue April 19, 2010
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An abbreviation for Wingnut Threat Level.

#WTL is a common hashtag used on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks, often used in the question, "What's the #WTL?"

Similar to the U.S. Government's Terrorism Alert Level, the answer is usually a color such as "red" or "orange." The subjective level is usually influenced by some ludicrous, exaggerated or manipulated hyper-partisan political event being praised or lauded by political operatives or extremists.

Regardless of which color (or other signifier) is used, the more the event threatens the public discourse, political civility, or narratives being advanced by the concorporate media, the greater is the assumed threat level.
After a tax protester crashed his light plane into an IRS office, the WTL went straight to red.
by Shoqvalue February 22, 2010
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A social media hashtag used by so-called "hashtaggers" in their online word games.

See: Hashtaggers, Hashtags
The gametag "#teapartyPickupLines" was one of the most popular political hashtag to ever "trend" on Twitter.
by Shoqvalue February 4, 2010
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