5 definitions by Shaonika

boba wednesdays

a distinct time of the week, normally the middle of the week on the Latin renamed word "wed" and "nesday" together forming "Wednesday" where a group of AT LEAST 4 or more individuals in a class collectively form a group towards a common shared goal, where in this case, is to drink the historical and prominent Taiwan classic, boba tea shared with different flavours, shapes, forms and colours.
"omg i can't wait for boba Wednesdays"

"bruh is it Wednesday? im craving boba tea rn"
"lets all get boba tea im so fugging thirsty and hungry, yum"
by Shaonika April 19, 2023
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a very awkward and semi sexual situation where two people or more are distraught in a traumatising and ever lasting event.
"last christmas was the biggest flyxander moment ever"

"this class is giving flyxander"

"this convo is so flyxander"

"off yah tree was such a flyxander moment"

by Shaonika March 21, 2022
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s - phase

when you start to feel a mix of horniness and excitment from your allocated senpai.
"omg she was walking down the hallway with her senpai and she was lowkey in s - phase"

(S-phase person): "omg uwu senpai you make me so emoshi and creami thx." "can i have kwisses and cwuddles pwease kitten"
by Shaonika March 21, 2022
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s - phase

the moment in which you feel a mixture of horniness and look up to your senpai, performing anime like movements and expressions.
omg i saw her down the hallway and shes literally in s - phase. she called me senpai before. uwu.
by Shaonika March 18, 2022
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pls the sexiest person alive. a human embodiment of an angel is disguise. a very caring person.
"bruh marlona is so fucking hot mate"

"i love her"

"i love marlona she has such a sexy charisma"
by Shaonika March 21, 2022
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