4 definitions by Shahin

Term used by car salesman to describe individuals who walk into their lots for the first time.
Joe took 6 ups today without making a single deal.
by Shahin February 1, 2005
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A derogatory term used to describe individuals with poor credit.
Walter the broker: Can they get a loan?
Jack the salesman: No, they have had multiple chargeoffs and a bankrupcy; damned cockroahes.
by Shahin February 1, 2005
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One who enters a car dealership without the slightest intention to buy a car, hence wasting a salesperson's time and money.
Bob the used car salesman: Did you end up closing the deal?

Mike the used car salesman: Naaw, he was a stroker.
by Shahin February 1, 2005
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Ancient Iranian king and prophet of Iran, before Prophet Zarathustra (who restablished the true faith)
by Shahin September 12, 2003
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