22 definitions by Senor Dank Nugs

The person who originally contracted and spread COVID to your cluster. Generally this person got the vid from an unknown source and spread the virus to his friends. The best way to identify your werewolf is through contact tracing. Named the werewolf due to the old legend that all werewolves descend from an original werewolf who infected the other werewolves.
Bob: I have COVID and I got it through Bill. Bill got it from Jimmy who got it at a Lame Impala concert. I guess Jimmy is my COVID werewolf.
by Senor Dank Nugs January 15, 2022
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A nickname for the Omnicron variant of COVID-19
The cron has been going around work and everyone is sick.
by Senor Dank Nugs January 11, 2022
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A used face mask that is discarded in the middle of a parking lot or other public place
I stepped out of my car and found a covid condom laying in the parking lot
by Senor Dank Nugs January 20, 2021
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The act of convincing men on any dating app to send a picture of their penis to someone else's phone as a practical joke. This is best done when MANY dick pics are sent to the same unsuspecting recipient in a short period of time.
Brad: Why did I just get dick pics from twenty different phone numbers in the past hour? ITS A CONSPIRACY.
Me: Nah dude! I think someone just Tinder Dick Bombed you. It was probably your Ex getting revenge.
by Senor Dank Nugs October 13, 2021
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When a person both skis and snowboards. They can easily switch between the two comfortably and actively engages in both.
Going to the mountain with Chris is so fun! He is biskisual like me and likes to switch to his snowboard after lunch.
by Senor Dank Nugs February 23, 2021
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The act of storing cannabis infused edibles in a bag of non-infused food products, such as trail mix, and having your friends dig through it to find the buried treasure! Rules of the game may vary but often times your friends get to keep the products that they find or the loser does not get any goodies! Generally takes place when someone travels from Denver to another state that is not tolerant of cannabis and the goodies must be hidden from TSA
I went back to Connecticut to visit my friends and had a Denver Treasure Hunt! Terence was the winner and got to keep 14 gummy bears as well as a bag of trail mix. He is going to get super danked tonight!
by Senor Dank Nugs March 22, 2018
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Generally a fun game played by tourists visiting the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. First the group goes to a coffee shop and smoke some cannabis (Green Light). Next, the group goes to a bar for a beer (Yellow Light) and finally a stop by the girls in the red light district (Red Light).
My friends and I visited Amsterdam last week and completed six rounds of the Amsterdam Traffic Light! I am now down 500 Euro!
by Senor Dank Nugs June 29, 2018
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