12 definitions by SeenDizzle

What people in anime do when something unexpected happens
I have a confession to make... Iโ€™m actually your dog

by SeenDizzle July 17, 2020
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A mercenary group from the underrated FPS, Titanfall 2, which you should buy. The 6-4 consider themselves a mercenary group with a conscious, as they don't always work for the highest bidder, but instead with the person fighting for the right cause.
The 6-4 is a family, and we'll kick your arse!
by SeenDizzle January 22, 2021
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A South African mercenary, and leader of the Apex Predators, and is assumed to at least partially own the Apex Games (Apex Legends). Blisk is one of main antagonists of Titanfall 2, and the only Apex Predator that isn't fought and killed by BT-7274 and Jack Cooper.
You kill me, you're bettah. I kill you, I'm bettah.
-Kuben Blisk
by SeenDizzle January 22, 2021
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What you call someone when they suck and they need to die
Youโ€™re a bit of a noobiusbeckit

Fine hand me the revolver
by SeenDizzle July 17, 2020
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