4 definitions by Scritton Bow

The faggot in your apartment that uses up all of the hot water in the shower on purpose.
Our roommate is such a shower faggot. There was no hot water left this morning.
by Scritton Bow March 1, 2011
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1. When a couple tries to have a quickie without getting caught by their kids.
Dang, the kids are still awake. This is going to be a tricky quickie.
by Scritton Bow March 1, 2011
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An short orgasm induced hangover caused by a particularly amazing hand-job.
I had a f***ing crazy handover last night.
by Scritton Bow March 1, 2011
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When your poop doesn't form correctly and it comes out in a pile of little brown balls.
Someone dumped a lot of Cocoa Pebbles in the toilet. I wouldn't recommend eating them though.
by Scritton Bow March 21, 2011
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